Mt. Calvary Cemetery

Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, 38th and State Ave. in Kansas City, Kansas was established in 1901. Originally 10 acres, Mt. Calvary now encompasses 34 acres. This cemetery erected its first mausoleum in 1974.
Search for a Loved One

1150 N. 38th St.
Kansas City, KS 66102

Visitation Hours:

Sunrise to sunset

Staffed Hours:

By appointment only

Contact Us – (913) 371-4040Decorations Policy

Burial Space Is Limited At Mt. Calvary, Kansas City.

If you have family buried at Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 38th and State Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas, and/or you had planned to be buried there but haven’t made pre-arrangements, contact one of our Family Service Counselors at your earliest convenience. The cemetery is at 98 percent of its capacity sold.

Mt. Calvary was established in 1901 at what was the western edge of Kansas City, Kansas, for many years. To accommodate westward growth, Catholic Cemeteries opened Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 126th and Parallel Parkway, in 1996. Gate of Heaven Cemetery serves all parishes of Wyandotte County and the surrounding communities.

mt calvary kansas city ks
Main Office
(913) 371-4040
(785) 272-0820