There is the matter of continuity with our faith life as Catholics. We are baptized, confirmed, anointed and receive other sacraments in and through our parishes where we are members of the community of faith. As ministries of the Church, Catholic cemeteries reflect our beliefs and traditions. Christian Burial Guidelines published by the national Catholic Cemetery Conference state that the Catholic cemetery “expresses the link of community between all the faithful living and dead—the Communion of Saints.”
Father Jerry Volz, chair of the Board of Directors of Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas, agrees and adds, “Throughout our faith journey, the Church is present to celebrate significant moments in life. Since death is also a part of the human journey, it is only right that the Church should also be present when we confront this reality.”
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops states a preference that Catholics be buried in Catholic cemeteries or columbaria for cremated remains. Catholic cemeteries are sacred places with blessed ground. They are places of prayer and deep respect for the deceased. Statues, memorials and chapels distinguish Catholic cemeteries, and they also remind us of our faith in the final resurrection of our bodies, promised and made possible by Christ’s life, death and resurrection.
“When a person comes to a Catholic cemetery,” explains Father Volz, “the Church’s teachings about life, death and resurrection should come to mind, and this gives us hope that we, too, will share in everlasting life.”
Father Ken Kelly, long-time Catholic Cemeteries board member and past board chair, summarizes, “In life, we worship together; in death, we await the resurrection together.”
Prayers and Masses for the deceased continue to be offered in our Catholic cemeteries. Catholic Cemeteries of Northeast Kansas invites families and friends to special observances year-round.
From a practical standpoint, Father Kelly believes that reasonable pricing is another important factor to consider when choosing a Catholic cemetery or mausoleum versus a public cemetery. We strive to be competitive and transparent in our pricing. Click here for information about our various services or about our popular no interest payment plan. Or reach out to one of our Family Service Advisors by calling 913-371-4040.